Upcoming events:
6/02/2024 Klub PRiMi Copenhagen | Winter Jazz Festival * * * for accordion, tapes and live electro commissioned by Flemming Vidar Valmundsson
15/03/2024 Copenhagen Four seasons - Printemps for 16 voices a cappella (premiere) commissioned by DR VokalEnsemblet
1/05/2024 DKDM Copenhagen Flute concerto "Oasis" (premiere) commissioned by Elizabeth Salerno
June 2024 "Oasis" Royal Conservatory Antwerp feat. Elizabeth Salerno
June 2024 Copenhagen Måner for 8 singers (premiere) commissioned by ensemble Ætla
Sept. 2024 Amsterdam Four seasons - L'hiver for 16 voices a cappella | Cappella Amsterdam, conductor: Krista Audere
Sept. 2024 commission by Tannel Eiko Novikow, marimba solo
Oct. 2024 Nordic Music Days Glasgow Reflection Nebulae for orchestra
9/02/2022 DR VokalEnsemblet |
Paris&Liberte |GRUNDTVIGS KIRKE, 19:30 |Copenhagen
"L'été" for 16 voices a cappella
Livestream on Danish Radio P2
11/03/2022 Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra
|PULSAR 2022 Music Festival
|Copenhagen | DR Concerthall, 19:30
|"Reflection Nebulae" (2020, premiere)
Livestream on Danish Radio P2
12/03/2022 OMN|Brand New Music Festival
|The Karol Szymanowski Music Academy
|"Ad te" for sinfonietta and electronics (premiere)
14/03/2022 | PULSAR 2022 Music Festival
Kvartettet concert | Copenhagen, RDAM Studiescenen, 19:30 | AKELA String Quartet
String Quartet no. I (2020)
14/03/2022 | PULSAR 2022 Music Festival
Electronic concert | Copenhagen,
"corde/mano/sono" for cello and live electronics
(2022, premiere) | feat. Mikołaj Błaszczyk (cello)
RDAM Nysal, 21:30
11/05/2022 | RDAM Copenhagen
"Three preludes for piano" (2019)
feat. Nikolaus von Bemberg (piano)
06/2022 | Hochschule für Musik & Tanz
Köln, Germany | "Three Sonnets" to the words by W. Shakespeare (2020-2021)
Christoph Maletzko, baritone/bass
28/06/2022 | The New Music Orchestra (PL),
Katowice, "Ad te"for sinfonietta (premiere)
09/2022 | Ligeti String Quartet (GB)
|Copenhagen | RDAM
String Quartet no. II (2022, premiere)
10/03/2023 DR VokalEnsemblet | Four seasons - L'hiver for 16 voices a cappella (premiere) |Conductor: Krista Audere |Trinitatis Kirke Copenhagen |19:30
13/03/2023 Livestream on DR P2 - Four seasons - L'hiver for 16 voices a cappella |19:20
15/06/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Grundtsvig Kirke, Copenhagen |19:30
25/06/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Vor Frue Kirke, Copenhagen |14:00
19/07/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Kyoto Nagaokakyo Memorial Culture Hall | Japan |19:00
21/07/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Hiroshima Nishi Ward Community Culture Center, Japan |18:45
26/07/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Fukuoka "Well-Tobata" Hall, Japan |19:00
28/07/2023 DUVE Choir | Four seasons - L'été for 16 voices a cappella | Tokyo Yodobashi Church, Japan |19:00
15/09/2023 Walicki-Popiołek Duo |Warsaw Autumn Festival |Two polyphonic pieces for guitar and piano (premiere) | Austriackie Forum Kultury, Warszawa, PL | 17:00
25/09/2023 "Landscaping" - Premiere of a new piece |Metronomen, Copenhagen | 19:00
12/2023 SWR Vokalensemble | Four seasons - L'hiver for 16 voices a cappella | conductor: Krista Audere |Stuttgard, DE
10/10/2021 RDAM Sinfonietta | PULSAR 2021
Music Festival | Copenhagen/RDAM
|"Tree Sketches" for sinfonietta (premiere)
| more details: https://english.dkdm.dk/Whats-On/Whats-On/2021/10-2021/EfteraarsPULSAR-sinfonietta
11/11/2021 Danish Radio Vocal Ensemble
|Copenhagen/RDAM "L'été" for 16 voices a cappella (premiere)
12/11/2021 Danish Radio Vocal Ensemble
|Copenhagen/Trinitatis Kirke|"L'été" for 16 voices a cappella Follow DR live broadcast on: (link soon)
16/11/2021 DKDM Flute department concert
Copenhagen, Frederiksberg Kirke | 14:00
feat. Tony Akrivopoulos, Carmen Bajo Jurado, Rachel Marie Tormann, Sille Amalie Enevoldsen
21/11/2021 Śląska Trybuna Kompozytorów
|Koncert elektroakustyczny,
|Katowice, Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego
22/12/2021 Patryk Petersson & Friends
|Into the Whale's Eye for bass clarinet and live electronics
|Katowice, Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego